sábado, 31 de agosto de 2024

No reply.

Hello, my perverted friend.

We've actually known each other for a while, at least I know you.
You can call me Big Brother or the All-Seeing Eye.
I'm a hacker who a few months ago gained access to your device, including your browser history and webcam.
I recorded some videos of you jerking off to highly controversial "adult" videos.
I doubt you'd want your family, coworkers, and your entire alekmorillo.adriano@blogger.com contact list to see footage of you pleasuring yourself,
especially considering how kinky your favorite "genre".
I will also publish these videos on porn sites, they will go viral and it will be physically impossible to remove them from the Internet.

How did I do this?
Because of your disregard for internet security, I easily managed to install a Trojan on your hard disk.
Thanks to this, I was able to access all the data on your device and control it remotely.
By infecting one device, I was able to gain access to all the other devices.

My spyware is embedded in the drivers and updates its signature every few hours, so no antivirus or firewall can ever detect it.
Now I want to offer a deal: a small amount of money in exchange for your former worry free life.

Transfer $1300 USD to my bitcoin wallet:1L3UX3VkVRyk8vBE6GfXtor1eTie7KRuoV

As soon as I receive confirmation of the payment,
I will delete all the videos that compromise you, remove the virus from all your devices and you will never hear from me again.
It's a very small price for not destroying your reputation in the eyes of others, who think that you are a decent man, according to your messengers.
You can think of me as some sort of life coach who wants you to start appreciating what you have.

You have 48 hours. I will receive a notification as soon as you open this email, and from this moment, the countdown will begin.
If you've never dealt with cryptocurrency before, it's very easy. Simply type "cryptocurrency exchange" into a search engine, and then all set.

Here's what you shouldn't do:
- Don't reply to my email. It was sent from a temporary email account.
- Don't call the police.
Remember, I have access to all your devices, and as soon as I notice such activity, it will automatically lead to the publishing of all the videos.
- Don't try to reinstall your system or reset your device. First of all, I already have the videos,
and secondly, as I said, I have remote access to all your devices, and once I notice such an attempt, you know what happens.

Remember, crypto addresses are anonymous, so you won't be able to track down my wallet.

So long story short, let's resolve this situation with a benefit for me and you.
I always keep my word unless someone tries to trick me.

Lastly, a little advice for the future. Start taking your online security more seriously.
Change your passwords regularly and set up multi-factor authentication on all your accounts.

Best wishes.

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2024

Good Profits


I am writing to you because I have a serious client who has money to invest, either on an equity basis or as a loan.

A capable manager with a secured and viable business plan that can generate good profits is needed.

Please respond with your thoughts so that we can discuss them.


Paul Morgan.

sábado, 17 de agosto de 2024

PM Certification Nomination Approval

PM Certification News
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AAPM Certification Body USA - 1670-F  East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80906  www.CertifiedProjectManager.org

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jueves, 15 de agosto de 2024


We're a loan company. We give our loans at a very low interest rate (rates your banks wouldn't approve) as we have been doing this for decades and which to extend this to as many applicants we can handle as long as they meet the requirement for approval.

Should you be interested in applying for any type of loan (personal/business) do not hesitate to email me or Mr. Bruce Moore for more information on the application process. It is just as easy as walking into your bank and making withdrawals from your account.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you for considering our firm for your financial needs.

Best regards,

Mr. Wayne Oscar
Loan Officer
E-mail: wayne.oscar@aol.com

martes, 13 de agosto de 2024

>>> Your account is hacked. Your data is stolen. Learn how to regain access.

> Hi,
> I am a hacker, and I have successfully gained access to your operating system.
> I also have full access to your account.
> I've been watching you for a few months now.
> The fact is that your computer has been infected with malware through an adult site that you visited.
> If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
> Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
> This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.
> I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.
> Why did your antivirus not detect malware?
> Answer: The malware I used is driver-based, I update its signatures every 4 hours. Hence your antivirus is unable to detect its presence.
> I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and the right half shows the video you were watching at the time.
> With one mouse click, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on your social networks.
> I can also make public all your e-mail correspondence and chat history on the messengers that you use.
> If you don't want this to happen, transfer $880 in Bitcoin equivalent to my Bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, just search "buy bitcoin" on Google).
> My Bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 1D9NgNsdmYXMYbw2z4oxEJvTwx1ut3F7o3
> After confirming your payment, I will delete the video immediately, and that's it. You will never hear from me again.
> I will give you 50 hours (more than 2 days) to pay. I will get a notice, when you open this email, and the timer will start.
> Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my Bitcoin address.
> I never make any mistakes.
> If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.
> Best regards!

sábado, 10 de agosto de 2024

Nabídka investičních fondů v hodnotě 50 milionů EUR

Investujte do globální vize s Wise Credit Union!
Pozornost vizionářských manažerů a obchodních lídrů!
Jste připraveni povýšit své obchodní manažerské dovednosti na mezinárodní úroveň? Wise Credit Union s potěšením představuje exkluzivní investiční příležitost ve výši 50 000 000,00 EUR pro 10 vynikajících manažerů společností. Tato neuvěřitelná nabídka je navržena tak, aby umožnila správu lokálních a globálních obchodních portfolií po dobu 15 let.
Vaše poslání
Hledáme 10 dynamických mezinárodních obchodních manažerů z celé Evropy, kteří budou:
- Podporujte růst zákazníků pro finanční instituce Wise Credit Union usazené v jejich zemích.
- Dohlížet na podstatná finanční portfolia s příslibem významných výnosů.
- Vedl spuštění nových poboček Wise Credit Union po úspěšném 5letém manažerském období.
Po 5 letech úspěšné správy finančního portfolia získá nejvýkonnější manažer kapitálovou podporu na založení pobočky Wise Credit Union. Tato nová instituce bude:
- Vytvořit síť mikropodniků.
- Poskytovat řízené kapitálové půjčky zájemcům z řad podnikatelů.
- Vzdělávat jednotlivce v základních dovednostech řízení podniku.
- Vybavit podnikatele potřebnými finančními prostředky k zahájení a řízení jejich podnikání a zajistit návratnost společnosti Wise Credit Union.
Kdo by se měl přihlásit?
Zveme přihlášky od:
- Zkušení manažeři s prokázanou historií v řízení soukromého podnikání.
- Inovátoři překypující výjimečnými obchodními koncepty.
- Současní majitelé podniků hledající finanční podporu, aby povýšili své operace na mezinárodní standardy.
Klíčové výhody
- Není vyžadováno žádné ověření vzdělání: Upřednostňujeme zkušenosti a prokázané manažerské dovednosti před formálním vzděláním.
- Financování zavedených podniků: Společnosti, které fungují roky, ale čelí finančním problémům, obdrží prostředky na zlepšení a normalizaci svých operací.
Jak se přihlásit
Kvalifikovaní manažeři a jednotlivci by měli své žádosti odeslat do 5 pracovních dnů. Schválení kandidáti nabídku obratem obdrží, což zajistí rychlý start v jejich manažerských rolích.
Kontaktujte nás
Pro další informace a žádost o tuto mimořádnou příležitost se prosím obraťte na registrátora Wise Credit Union. e-mailem: wcu@europe.com
Přidejte se k nám a utvářejte budoucnost mezinárodního obchodu s Wise Credit Union. Pojďme společně vytvořit síť prosperujících podniků!
moudrá družstevní záložna
oddělení péče o zákazníky

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2024

>>> Your account is hacked. Your data is stolen. Learn how to regain access.

> Hi,
> I am a hacker, and I have successfully gained access to your operating system.
> I also have full access to your account.
> At the time of hacking your account had this password: ghtwaycsco
> I've been watching you for a few months now.
> The fact is that your computer has been infected with malware through an adult site that you visited.
> If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
> Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
> This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.
> I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.
> Why did your antivirus not detect malware?
> Answer: The malware I used is driver-based, I update its signatures every 4 hours. Hence your antivirus is unable to detect its presence.
> I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and the right half shows the video you were watching at the time.
> With one mouse click, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on your social networks.
> I can also make public all your e-mail correspondence and chat history on the messengers that you use.
> If you don't want this to happen, transfer $1190 in Bitcoin equivalent to my Bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, just search "buy bitcoin" on Google).
> My Bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 14ohNinzWU7jzyMcbjcZkJoNYHKdaYKMpW
> After confirming your payment, I will delete the video immediately, and that's it. You will never hear from me again.
> I will give you 50 hours (more than 2 days) to pay. I will get a notice, when you open this email, and the timer will start.
> Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my Bitcoin address.
> I never make any mistakes.
> If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.
> Best regards!

martes, 6 de agosto de 2024


Je me présente Monsieur Philippe MARTINEZ, J'espère que ce
message vous trouve bien. Je voulais vous faire part d'une
décision importante que j'ai prise récemment. Après mûre
réflexion, j'ai décidé de vous faire don d'un montant de
1.525.000 euros car mes jours sont comptés. Cela me fait plaisir
de pouvoir vous l'offrir, car je sais qu'il vous sera utile et
qu'il trouvera une place spéciale chez vous.
Je suis convaincue que ce don vous sera bénéfique, et j'espère
qu'il apportera autant de joie et d'utilité dans votre vie.
Pour plus de renseignements, je vous prie de bien vouloir me
contacter à mon adresse courriel personnel:
Que le Seigneur Dieu créateur du ciel et de la terre exauce vos
prières, Amen.
Avec toute mon affection,

lunes, 5 de agosto de 2024

štastný výherce

Odpoved na e-mail: cristydavis-foundation@outlook.com

paní Cristy Davis

viernes, 2 de agosto de 2024


Dear Friend

My apology for sending this unsolicited mail to you; I actually got your e-mail contact through my online exploration for proficient business persons and l decided to contact you directly about this business venture. I was assigned by my colleague to seek for a foreign partner who will assist us in providing a convenient foreign account in any designated bank abroad for the transfer of us$75,500,000.00 pending on our arrival in your country for utilization and disbursement with the owner of the account.

This amount results from a deliberate inflation of the value of a contract awarded by our ministry, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture (F.M.A)to an expatriate company.the contract has been executed and payment made to the original contractor, remaining the over-invoiced amount of us$75,500,000.00 million, which we want to transfer the funds out the country in our favour for disbursement among ourselves. The transfer of this money can only be possible with the help of a foreigner who will be presented as the beneficiary of the fund.

As government officials, we are not allowed to operate foreign accounts, and this is the reason why we decided to contact you. We have agreed that if you/your company can act as the beneficiary of this fund (us$75,500,000.00 million)20% of the total sum will be for you for providing the account while 80% will be reserved for us.

We hereby solicit for your assistance in providing a convenient account number in a designated bank abroad where this fund would be transferred. We intend coming over there on the completion of this transfer to secure our own share of the money.

Please note that we have been careful and have made all arrangements towards the success and smooth transfer of the fund to your account before you. For security reasons and confidentiality of this transaction, we demand that you should not expose this proposal and the entire transaction to anybody.

We are putting so much trust in you with the hope that you would not betray us or sit on this money when it is finally transferred into your account. Be rest assured that this transaction is 100% risk free. If this proposal is acceptable to you,indicate your interest by sending a email to us including your bank name & address, account number,telephone number.

Note that the particular nature of your company's business is irrelevant to this transaction. if this transaction interests you, your urgent response will be appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

Mr.George Emeka Emerah
Director, Finance Mini of Agriculture.
My Cellphone:+ 234-911-815-7020
Whatsapp:+ 234-911-815-7020