miércoles, 9 de junio de 2021


The end of small business.

The Mackenzie Scott Grant was founded with the goal of alleviating the struggles ordinary people face.

The company my family founded(AMAZON CORPORATION) is destroying small businesses and at this rate, There will be no more small businesses in the near future. Most people gain employment from small businesses in their various communities.

Realizing this crisis, I have decided to pay it forward the best way I can. The Mackenzie Scott Grant will help random selected individuals with large sums of money which we hope will begin a chain reaction of alleviating poverty and hardships.

This may be small minded to some people but this is the way we have decided to proceed.

If you receive this email. You have been chosen to benefit from the Mackenzie Scott Grant.

Reply with your full names and address for further information.

Mackenzie Scott Grant

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